Why Portrait-Shaped Screens are Best.

The Power of Portrait: Why Vertical Screens Make a Difference

A Familiar Reading Experience

One of the first things that sets portrait-shaped digital screens apart is their resemblance to the familiar A4-page reading pattern. This vertical format emulates the way most of us read documents, books, and even our smartphones, thereby offering content that is intuitively and effortlessly legible. This ease of reading helps your messages to be consumed more readily and remembered longer.

Maximising Visibility

The vertical orientation of portrait screens captures attention quickly and maintains it effectively across a variety of settings—be it a GP practice, a retail store, or a corporate office. This is due to our natural field of vision, which is more accommodating of height rather than width. As a result, key messages are seen and absorbed more easily as the eye naturally scans from top to bottom. This ensures that whether you’re disseminating important health advice, showcasing a new product, or sharing company updates, your information gets the visibility it deserves.

Enhanced Engagement

What really sets portrait-shaped screens apart is their ability to engage viewers more effectively than traditional horizontal screens. The vertical layout lends itself well to content like infographics, lists, or sequential messages, facilitating more dynamic and compelling storytelling. This means that not only will your messages be seen, but they’ll also be engaging and impactful—whether you’re informing, educating, or even entertaining your patients or customers.

Versatility and Space Efficiency

Besides being visually striking, portrait screens are often more space-efficient, fitting comfortably into a variety of settings without taking up too much wall space. Their slimmer profile makes them ideal for corridors, waiting rooms, and even retail spaces, without compromising on the quality or impact of your messaging.

A Wise Investment

Investing in portrait-shaped digital screens for your healthcare setting or business isn’t just a design choice; it’s a strategic decision aimed at maximising message visibility, engagement, and impact. In a world overwhelmed by information, a portrait screen helps your important messages to stand out and make a lasting impression.

INFORM Digital